Benedict XVI – Commander of the Faith.
Short. Hodder and Stoughton, London, 2005. pp 150. photos.
This review was written on 23rd June, 2010.
This review was written on 23rd June, 2010.

Joseph Ratzinger started his religious life in Germany and was a member of a devout German family. He and his brother Georg became priests. There is little in the book about Georg but Joseph made rapid progress in the church, particularly on the academic side. He was quite liberal in his early years but eventually, after much preferment, he was appointed to the Vatican as Prefect by Paul 11 and thus joined the powerful inner circle of the Vatican’s cabinet. He served Paul and his conservative policies faithfully and was soon to become the most influential member of the Vatican’s councils. According to the author, apart from a few rare occasions, Paul 11 and he worked hand and glove together.
The impact of the book was the conflict between
a conservative Vatican and the laity and many of the priests and bishops who shared
liberal views which have been emerging during the last generation or two. In
not one instant does the Vatican, voiced by the Pope Paul 11, Ratzinger, later Benedict
XV1, and the other Vatican leaders, accept the urge of the faithful to allow marriage
of priests, women priest, artificial contraception, divorce and remarriage after
divorce, homosexuality, or some of the laity’s interpretation of the liturgy. It
also appears that many approaches to Christian ecumenism are blocked by the

The conservatism of the Vatican is already undoing much of Vatican 11. The Vatican’s insistence that its interpretation of the liturgy and of scripture is the only acceptable interpretation seems based on little substance, at least to those of us who adhere to the principles of a true Christian life. It is hard for a lay person to understand why Christian worship is based on the cleansing of the Temple and why it is important that the priest should face or have his back to the congregation. Why is the liturgy based on revelation? It seems to me that, bearing in mind the uncertain origin of scripture and the ease of different interpretations, the matters which cause conflict between the Vatican and the faithful may be based on mumbo jumbo rather good sense.

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